
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

WordPad for Dummies

Wordpad Insert Object task
Wordpad Insert Object task
In case anyone wonders, we publish this blog because we have absolutely no use for people who pretend to know something just to collect a few bucks. After all, there are plenty of people out there who do know whatever it is these yutzes try to write about, so we'd rather get the straight dope from them. That's definitely not what we got from eHowian Vera Leigh ("verily"? Really?), whom we found at pretending to know "How to Create a Chart in WordPad." In fact, she didn't.

We can't speak to the version of WordPad Leigh was using when she "wrote" this post, but our version – copyright 2009 – includes the ability to insert charts as objects. Just choose the "Insert Object" icon from the task bar, make certain the "Create New" radio button is clicked, and choose "Microsoft Graph Chart" from the drop-down menu. It's pretty much dirt simple to get there.

That's not, however, what Leigh would have you believe. No, according to Vera, you must do something like,
"Type 'NAME' without the quotations and press 'Tab' twice. Type 'PHYSICAL ADDRESS' and press 'Tab' twice. Repeat this until you have entered all of the headings."
Wait, what? That's how you build a chart? Let's see where she goes next:
"Press 'Enter' twice. Now type the client's information under each of the headings. For example, type 'Mary Smith' and tab twice. Type '1234 Main Street, Any City, Any State, ZIP' and tab twice. Continue this process until you have entered all of the information."
Oh, we get it: Vera's confused. She thinks she's creating a chart here, when in reality, all she's doing is building and populating a rather sloppily-formatted table. Plus, she's so dumb she forgot to start a new line for each record!
Yes, readers, this is precisely the sort of stupidification of the internet that made the laughingstock of the web. It's also the sort of blind dumbassery that makes it so easy to harvest another Dumbass of the Day candidate from the ashes of eHow every day... candidates like Vera Leigh!
copyright © 2019-2021 scmrak


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