Saturday, August 22, 2015

Simple Math for Dummies

Math formulae
Got a few minutes? Wanna get rich? Just jot down your deepest thoughts and post them on an internet content farm somewhere, and you can be certain that millions worldwide will rush to their screens to click on your link. Here at the Antisocial Network, we're living proof that ain't the case... but it doesn't stop the likes of Maribel over at Oh, she posted all right; but we sincerely hope she didn't get rich off the kind of babble she fed her readers in "Mathematics in our life."¹ Her having forgotten (if she ever knew) that "our" is a plural possessive should clue you in to the depth of her thought processes.

But wait, there's more! (there always is...) Maribel would like us to know that
"Mathematics is more than a book. Rather, it actually has many things to do with practical affairs."
Oh, wow: we never thought of that. "...more than a book"? Whodathunkit?! She also wants you to know you're using mathematics 
"When you read an airline schedule... When you want to count your earnings... When you read the thermometer... When you do your budget for the kitchen..."
Such amazing revelations! We'd have never realized that we were using math to do our budget or "count our earnings" without Maribel's penetrating insights! We must admit, however, that we a bit confused by her closing paragraph:
"When a vehicle stops either by braking or through collision with another object, energy is totally consumed in braking heat or in the crushing of the car. Then that force that is at work is what we call force of gravity."
That's too bad, it's so sad: when Maribel shifted mid-content to sharing her erudition on physics instead of expounding on mathematics, she made an unfortunate blunder that qualified her as more than an ordinary simpleton: she demonstrated that she's not merely greedy and frivolous, she's also a dumbass. What Maribel describes ain't "gravity"; braking is friction and her "crushing" is simply an inelastic collision. For her stupendous blunder, The Antisocial Network hereby awards Maribel the coveted Dumbass of the Day.     

¹ This website is now defunct, and's Wayback machine never made a copy of the post. Oh, well, no loss...
copyright © 2015-2022 scmrak


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