Saturday, February 6, 2016

Plywood for Woodworking Dummies

Plywood construction
Here at the Antisocial Network, we take seriously our chosen task: exposing the folks who spray worthless content all over the internet in the hopes of collecting a few pennies in residual income. We prefer to call them out by their real name (or chosen nom de plume) whenever possible, but every once in a while we find something truly stupid that's been posted anonymously to a content farm. Take, for instance, "Working With Plywood" at, now attributed to a General Contributor. Presumably, the party that posted this dreck still reaps megacents from ads and referrals, but he or she remains anonymous. That doesn't mean the General isn't still an idiot...

We say that because Mr or Ms Contributor likes to say stupid things about plywood, stuff like
"Never lay plywood at an angel, especially the thinner panels, as it will warp..."
An "angel"? 'Nuff said? No? Well, there's more -- of course:
"For very careful installations, pre-drill to keep the nails from splitting out at the edge. The drill should be slightly smaller in diameter than the nail. Space nails about 6′ apart for most work. Closer spacing may be necessary only when nailing thin plywood to avoid buckling between the joints."
We aren't sure what a "very careful installation" might be, but we're certain that spacing nails six feet apart isn't going to be of much use. Maybe six inches? Depends on the thickness... Plus, you don't predrill plywood to avoid splitting, you predrill because nailing through plywood is a bitch. And then there's that "buckling between the joints" bull, which we imagine is only a bad job of cut-reword-paste on "between the joists"... or maybe not. The General also makes multiple statements about the "good side" of plywood, but never actually says what the "good" side is. We know -- does someone who needs advice about cutting plywood? 

Most of the rest of the "advice" is boilerplate reworded from somewhere else – probably someplace that reworded another site that reworded more authoritative content. Personally, we'd rather get our advice from someone who didn't have to reword the original. We hate giving the Dumbass of the Day to anonymous freelancers, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!         
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