MAF (Mass Air Flow) Sensor |
Unlike today's DotD candidate (we're almost certain...), staffers at the Antisocial Network own and/or have owned Toyota Tacoma pickups. One – it just happens to be our founder – has even had MAF (Mass Air Flow) Sensor problems because some halfwit parking lot attendant crushed the air cleaner compartment on his Tacoma, to the tune of $960...
Steven Symes, however, quite probably has never had owned a Tacoma or had a MAF sensor problem, so why did he pen "
Symptoms of a Bad Mass Air Flow Sensor on a Tacoma" for ItStillRuns.com (well, actually, for eHow.com, but Leaf Group moved it)? Simple: he wanted the cash...
four-time winner Symes is ignorant of the function of a mas air flow sensor (as is his content editor) is obvious from the first line:
"Since Toyota Tacoma's [sic] have fuel-injected engine, [sic] it also has a mass air flow sensor. Mass air flow sensor's [sic] measure the amount of air coming into the engine, aiding the Tacoma's computer in making adjustments to achieve an optimal air/fuel mix in the engine's cylinders."
greengrocer's apostrophes (two of 'em!) aside, Symes apparently doesn't know that darned near all automotive engines are fuel-injected today, not to mention that some carbureted engines use MAF sensors, too... Moving on. Steven's list of symptoms comprises
- Check Engine Light "A bad mass air flow sensor should set off the truck's check engine light..."
- Lean or Rich "If, upon starting your Tacoma, you see smoke coming from the tailpipe of the truck, even if only for a moment, that is a sign your Tacoma is likely running rich. If the RPMs of your Tacoma seem to fluctuate erratically, it could be a sign your truck's engine is running lean..."
- Rough Engine "If your Tacoma has a bad mass air flow sensor, it can cause the engine to run rough. After starting up your truck the engine may stumble and recover or it could stall out completely, requiring you to restart the engine. If there is a delay from when you push on the accelerator and when the engine begins to accelerate that can also be a sign of a bad mass air flow sensor...."
To which we have to say, "So what?"
- Check Engine Light: Many different problems will turn on the CEL; but only the MAF sensor triggers codes P0101 and P0102. Maybe Symes should have mentioned that?
- Lean or Rich: Plenty of problems can cause lean or rich fuel/air mixes. How do I tell which one it is? (HINT: that CEL trouble code)
- Rough Engine: We like that "delay from when you push on the accelerator and when the engine begins to accelerate": we assume an ignorant content editor wanted Symes to expand on "hesitate"
- Steven missed: Poor fuel economy, hiccupping, and hard starting, among others.
It might have helped if Steven had mentioned that the hot-wire type of MAF sensor uses a tiny platinum wire, which is why the things are so expensive. But no, Steven probably didn't know that, just like he'd never heard of a Mass Air Flow Sensor in his life before claiming this title at eHow. Yup: that's pure
Dumbass of the Day quality writing!
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