Some people prospect for gems, Bob! |
A surprising number of posts about minerals have come across our desk in recent weeks, enough that the staffers decided that it was time for another "theme week." This time, it's Minerals Week. Here to show that some freelancers will say anything just to collect a few pennies, even if they can't tell a mineral from a hole in the ground, is eHowian
Robert Adams. Robert's post "
How to Find Gems in Southern Arizona"¹ (OurPastimes.com) was of particular interest to our staff geologist, a graduate of the U of A: Bear Down, Wildcats!
We sort of figured that if the OQ wanted to know where to look for gems in southern Arizona, he probably wanted information about prospecting for diamonds and rubies, or maybe jade and turquoise. A quick google search on
gemstones +Arizona turned up more about 600 search results. Adams, however, couldn't be bothered with such a search – J-school grads are like that sometimes. No, Robert decided that the best ways to find gems in southern Arizona are to
- "Hit the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show..."
- "Head to gem shops in the Phoenix area..."
- "Take a trip to Bisbee..."
- "...find the purple amethysts [sic] at gem shops in and around Four Peaks and Phoenix."
Nope, not one word about prospecting sites except to mention that existing mines are closed to the public. What a yutz!
We had to wonder, though, why Adams seems so opposed to putting on a hat and some sunscreen – maybe good hiking boots, too – and heading out into the mountains? If he wants armchair prospecting (and apparently Robert does), why doesn't he just suggest that people surf the internet for Arizona mineral dealers? Dick Bideaux and The Rocksmiths are gone; but there are still dozens (if not hundreds) of rock and mineral shops based in Bisbee, Tombstone, Tucson, Phoenix, Safford, and a dozen other towns in the south half of the state. Most of them have websites... |
Too lazy to hike? You wouldn't make much of a rockhound, Robert, but you
do make a pretty fine
Dumbass of the Day!
¹ The original has been deleted by Leaf Group, but can still be accessed using the Wayback machine at archive.org. Its URL was ourpastimes.com/gems-southern-arizona-7833805.html
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