Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Car Canopy Instructions for Dummies - The Freelance Files MMCCXXXI

car canopy
car canopy
We don't know about you, but to us it goes without saying that when someone asks you a question like, say, "How to Build a Car Canopy," the operative word in that question is "build." Are we right? The person asking that question doesn't want to know how to buy a ready-made canopy or assemble one from a kit, the person wants to know such important information as materials, measurements, and the steps in constructing such an edifice. That's us (and probably most people), but is isn't's Kimberly Dyke. That much is evident from her post, which can now be found at

We figure that the OQ (original questioner) would like to know how to construct a sturdy yet inexpensive alternative to a garage. Do you make it of PVC pipe? EMT conduit? Treated lumber? How big should the structure be? What do you use to create the "skin" covering the framework? How do you brace the canopy to ensure it won't collapse on your car? Inquiring minds would want to know all these things...
...but Dyke apparently didn't know that. Nope, because – at least according to Kimberly – here's all you need to "build" a car canopy:
  • Connecting fittings
  • Frame tubing
  • Canopy
  • Bungee cords
  • Stakes
We noticed that nowhere did Dyke supply any information about that "frame tubing" or those "connecting fittings." Wanna know why? Because Kimberly didn't tell her readers how to build a car canopy, she cribbed a set of instructions for how to assemble a commercial kit; instructions she found on-line. Hell, she even included a link to the product! Well, she included a link to where the instructions used to be...

Here's a little hint for you: when a freelancing "expert" starts out instructions for how to build something with a step like Kimberly's number one:
"Put all the construction materials out on the ground where you want to build the car canopy. Separate the tubing for the top frame from the tubing for the legs..."
...then you know you're not getting the building instructions (or even suggestions!) that the OQ asked for.

You also know you're in the presence of a Dumbass of the Day. In Dyke's case, you're in the presence of a serial dumbass, one whose trophy shelf now includes three of our awards. Guess that BA in international trade didn't include any classes in logic, eh?


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