Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Platform Beds for Woodworking Dummies

platform bed frame showing cross braces
platform bed frame showing cross braces
In the old days every carpenter or woodworker was taught a simple maxim: "Measure twice, cut once. We've even seen eHowians who think it's, "Measure three times..." (most eHowians aren't familiar with the word "thrice"). Be that as it may, one of the most important aspects of measurement is getting the measurements right in the first place. A second such aspect is knowing the real-world dimensions of lumber. Hint: a 2-by-4 does not actually measure two inches by four inches. Returning DotD Ruth de Jauregui (aka razzberry jam) failed both counts in "How to Make an Easy 2x6 Platform Bed"¹ at HomeSteady.com.

de Jauregui opened by explaining that there are five different sizes of bed and stating standard sizes before selecting the size to work with:
"...Queen - 60-by-80 inches... For the purposes of this article, a queen-size mattress is used for the platform bed."
Just a quibble, Ruth: we think the platform will be used for the mattress, not the other way around. But never mind that. let's look at de Jauregui's instructions. According to Ruth, we'll need:
  • 2 each 2 x 6 x 81"
  • 2 each 2 x 6 x 78"
  • 4 each 2 x 6 x 58"
  • 2 each 2 x 2 x 58"
  • 2 each 2 x 2 x 75"
  • 2 each 1" plywood cut to 29" x 78"
Readers are supposed to build an 81" x 61" rectangle, screw the 2 x 2s one inch down from the top edge, and screw the plywood to the 2 x 2s. First problem: where does an ordinary Joe or Jane get 1-inch plywood? This should be ¾-inch plywood, Ruth.
Next, readers build a 78" x 58" rectangle of 2 x 6s. According to de Jauregui, they'll then
"...lift the top of the platform bed onto the base, with the inner 2-by-2 supports resting on top of the 2-by-6 base."
Uhhh, no, Ruth, that won't work: you see, both of the rectangles are 61 inches wide, so the smaller one wouldn't fit inside the larger! After all that work, you'll need to take apart the smaller rectangle, cut the short boards to 55", and start over.

     In reality, the instructions as written leave any reader following them with a problem: the plywood isn't flush with the top of the frame. Even if you corrected that, however, the center of the mattress wouldn't be supported. Plywood flexes (even ¾ inch), and edge support isn't sufficient. There should be at least two cross-braces holding up the plywood in the center! In other words, anyone following Ruth's instructions to the letter is going to have a very saggy platform. No wonder she's the Dumbass of the Day again!

¹ The original has been deleted by Leaf Group, but can still be accessed using the Wayback machine at archive.org. Its URL was   ehow.com/how_8467557_make-easy-2x6-platform-bed.html
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