Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bricks vs. Pavers for Dummies

bricks and pavers
Sometimes our staffers find themselves reading and rereading a potential DotD nomination, and sometimes the posts pretty much nominate themselves. Today's candidate falls somewhere in the middle: the freelancer who gobbled it up at eHow.com did some research, submitted her post, got it past a content editor, and collected her check. The problem? it looks as though Lexa W. Lee didn't actually read the question she answered for GardenGuides.com, because she sure didn't explain "What Is the Difference Between a Brick & a Paver"!

Lee, herein returning to the podium for her fifth award, must not have read the question. Why her content editor (probably a J-school graduate ignorant of all things masonry) also didn't read the question remains a mystery. In any case, this is how Lexa introduced her "answer":
"Brick pavers and concrete pavers are products you can use for a landscaping project."
That's not what the OQ wanted to know, Lexa: the OQ wanted to know what the difference is between a brick and a paver. There are some significant differences, but Lee never mentions them:
  • Bricks are a form of ceramic, made of clay that is molded and baked. Pavers are generally concrete poured into a mold and allowed to harden
  • Most bricks are rectangular solids that are about 2" x 4" x 8"; a paver can be any shape but is typically about 10" square and 1" thick.
  • Bricks are more expensive, but they're also more durable (in fairness, Lexa sort of touched on this)
Lee does mention that concrete pavers are dyed while a brick's color is through-going, although she gives colors short shrift when she claims that
"A wide selection of colors is available, ranging from gray to red..."
...oops, she left out brown and tan!

        All in all, Lee demonstrated complete ignorance of the difference between bricks and pavers. Oh, she followed her typical pattern of citing an "authority," but still couldn't manage to get the answer right. Is it any wonder she's collecting another Dumbass of the Day award for her mantel? We think not.
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