Sunday, December 13, 2020

Washing Machine Repair for Dummies

stacked washer-dryer combo repair
Maybe they wanted to know how to do this, Lacy
Some of the most doofus content posted to the internet has been pounded out by freelancers "answering" questions by performing (at best) perfunctory research and glomming onto anything that they think might be pertinent. Clearly, if those writers know nothing about a topic, their judgment about what is pertinent is highly suspect. Today's nominee is one such clueless freelancer, a multiple award winner who has blasted her ignorance across a wide variety of categories. Let's give another Bronx cheer to the one and only Lacy Enderson, here attempting to write a "Stackable Washing Machine Repair Guide" for (now at

Although assigned to write a "repair guide" – which we take to mean some form of step-by-step instructions for solving problems¹ – Enderson instead cribbed some washing-machine troubleshooting tips from an unnamed website. They include such useful information as,

  • "...check to see if the suspension dampers... are damaged."
  • "Make sure your washing machine isn't overloaded if your machine presents with an 'LE' error code."
  • "Use less soap if your stackable washing machine develops an unpleasant odor."
  • "Check the pressure switch or the small hose connecting to the pressure switch to determine if they are bad."

Again, not much of a REPAIR guide, just a rather poorly-constructed set of troubleshooting tips. We won't even mention that Enderson never once mentioned how to repair anything or that the "'LE' error  code" she mentioned (twice) is very likely specific to the brand and model whose troubleshooting guide she found and tried to reword. Oh, and here's a good one from Lacy's "tips" section:

"Check the hose on your stackable washing machine to rule out any holes made by small animals like mice."

We have to be honest: after nineteen previous trips to the DotD podium, we aren't surprised at how little help Enderson has managed to be for people who have this question. What does surprise us... OK, it really doesn't... is that so far, only about half of Lacy's Dumbass of the Day posts have been removed by Leaf Group.

¹ If the truth be told, a repair guide would never have fit in the 300 to 500 words that eHow's parent comapny thought was the internet content sweet spot, so this is a question that should never even have been "answered." Not that it was...
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