Friday, November 29, 2019

Doors from Plywood, the Dummies Method

plywood shed door
plywood shed door
People who wrote at, the ones that Demand Media called "contributors," were required to open their posts with an "introduction." Our staffers find these 75-word snippets invaluable, because it's there that we often first recognize freelancers who have no idea what they're talking about. Take, for example, today's DotD nominee, Owen E. Richason IV, who pretended to know "How to Build a Plywood Door" for the mother site,

Richason opened by imagining a need...
"When building an outdoor storage shed, closing off an attic for storage or even building a tree house, you'll need a door. Rather than trying to find a prefabricated door that will fit to your particular project, you can build your own."
That sounds like a plan, Owen, What else do you have to say?
"This is a relatively simple project and only requires one sheet of 1/2 inch plywood and some hand tools. Once you have the tools and materials ready, building the plywood door is a snap."
We had to wonder what resource informed Richason that you only need some plywood, since every set of plans anyone here has ever seen call for building a frame of dimensional lumber and adding a skin of plywood. As is often the case, however, Richason IV's references are in print... we smell bullshit, Owen! And here's why: your steps entail

  • Measure, mark, cut, sand, and "seal" a chunk of ½-inch plywood to fit the "opening of the space you are installing the plywood door inside." (five steps!)
  • "Fasten hinges to the plywood door with stainless steel screws and a screw gun..."
  • "Fasten the door handles on both sides of the plywood door using stainless steel screws and a screw gun."
Owen's problem? Well, there are several. First, ½-inch plywood isn't suitable for a door any larger than about 18" in its longest dimension (we assume this "suggestion" came from the book on treehouses, if not straight from the personal finance writer's brain). Second, even stainless steel screws aren't going to hold in plywood, especially when used for hinges. And third, the dumbass never said anything about attaching the hinges to the door frame. Sheesh!

No, a plywood door would fall apart in a few weeks if made following Richason IV's instructions. On the other hand, if you were to build a 1-by-4 frame (see illustration above) and screw the plywood to it, the lumber would stiffen the plywood and provide structurally stable anchorage for screws (although we suggest using short bolts for the hinges).
We'll be frank: we are pretty sure Owen had never even thought of making a plywood door, much less built one. When people try to write DIY instructions even though they're never done it themselves, we are happy to call them the Dumbass of the Day.

Any questions?
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