Thursday, August 19, 2021

Priorities for Dummies - The Freelance Files MMCXL

From time to time one of the staffers decides to share content that wasn't written by a freelancer (as far as we know, of course) but demonstrates true dumbassery nonetheless. The vast majority come from social media sites such as Facebook, but we've also had more than one opportunity to feature the stupidity of people posting to Here with another example of just how clueless the average person seems to be is one of our neighbors, Dustin G., whose AA in architecture didn't seem to teach him much in the way of common sense.

It seems Dustin came across a roaming dog not long ago and, of course pulled out his phone to take a picture of the pooch (shown above). Beside looking as if he is (according to neighbor Mary M) "decreased," the dog is rather hard to identify. German Shorthair? probably...

When asked where the dog was now, Dustin allowed as to how he didn't know. According to this mental midget,
"...ha, sorry I was trying to get photos uploaded before he ran off..."
Really? Getting the photo uploaded from his phone was more important than getting control of  the dog so he could take him to a safe place? And here you wondered why Dustin was getting a Dumbass of the Day award.


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